Vitamineral Green is an
organic, whole food superfood combination. Unlike traditional multi-vitamin/mineral
products, it is totally non-toxic, exceptionally absorbable (not excreted as expensive
yellow urine, does not settle out as toxic deposits in the body), and is truly effective.
It also contains thousands of phytonutrients and a plethora of other complex,
synergistically bound, organic nutrients. This product is "manufactured" by
Mother Nature herself; not a chemist in an isolation factory.
There are absolutely no synthetics or isolated nutrients
whatsoever in Vitamineral Green.
Unlike incomplete, regular
multi-vitamin/mineral products, these nutrients are exactly as they occur naturally in
whole plant foods, because they are still in whole plant foods! They are fully
recognizable and absorbable with NO toxicity!
Vitamineral Green contains large amounts of
absorbable and non-toxic nutrients.
- Calcium!
- The Entire B Complex (including b-12)
- Fiber (soluble and insoluble)
- Trace Minerals (full spectrum)
- Major Minerals (full spectrum)
- Hundreds of Carotenoids (including Beta-Carotene,
Alpha-Carotene,Zeaxanthin, etc.)
- Truly Natural Vitamin C!
- Chlorophyll
- Tens of Thousands of Phytonutrients!
- Plus So Much More!